High School Athletics » Forms


State CIF Rule 1900 allows athletes under 15 years of age to participate in varsity football on the following conditions: SEE ATTACHED FOR FORM
This Form Could Also Be Found On The Clearance Packet For The 2023-2024 School Year.
A. Participant must be at least 14 years of age;
B. A letter is provided from a licensed medical practitioner that the student is able to compete at the varsity level;
C. A signed consent statement from the parents, or legal guardian, allowing participation at the varsity level is completed;
D. A statement from the head coach that the student-athlete has the physical and mental maturity to compete at the varsity level is provided;
E. A statement of compliance has been forwarded by the principal to the section office verifying that all required documentation has been completed and is on file in the appropriate school office.